1.4 billion people live on less than $1.25 US ($2 AUD) a day. Now it's our turn.
In August 2010 join us in living on $2 a day, and commit to raising awareness and funds on behalf of those in greater need than ourselves.
SPONSOR ME as I live on $2 a day for 30 days: CREDIT CARD www.everydayhero.com.au/priyani_madan DIRECT DEBIT (email p.madan@theoaktree.org for details) or CASH (in person or email me for mailing details).

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 0 - decisions, decisions.

1.4 billion people live on less than US$1.25 a day. Every 3 seconds a child dies. We know the stats. We’ve heard the heart wrenching stories. But until we experience it, can we ever really understand?

dollar25 is a campaign the Oaktree Foundation is running. It has inspired me to live on $1.25 (for food) for as long as I can, because I want to gain a true understanding about what I am fighting and campaigning for. My goal is a month (30 days) and I know it can be done. I have a passion to help end extreme poverty and I have committed my life to it.

Today I went shopping for 5 days worth of food - $6.25. This will last me until Friday. I bought 2 kiwi fruit, 2 apples, 1kg of carrots, a loaf of bread, 500g of pasta and 400g of kidney beans. The process of choosing the fruit was gruelling - so, so difficult. It took me forever, because one extra piece of fruit and I was 5c, 10c over. It really made me think about how to us, 5 or 10 cents is nothing, but in the bigger picture, it actually is a lot.

So here I go. About to have the biggest meal of my life tonight, ready to embark on dollar25 tomorrow, and for the next month.

Wish me luck.


  1. Go Pri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have faith in you :)
    <3 your buddy

  2. This is such a great thing to do. Wish I had your dedication :)
    Good luck xx

  3. you're amazing!
    If you're still alive at the end of it, I will follow your lead!

  4. This is awesome - great work Priyani!

  5. wow, this is really inspirational. i'm so proud of you, babe. good luck and keep it up! you can dooooo it! xxx

  6. Priyani - You inspire me Daaaarl!!

  7. Very impressive that you are still at it. Extremely proud of you.....

  8. Be the change you want to see in the world.....Mahatama Gandhi
    Good Job Pri!!
