Clearly, we are all different. Our hair colour, eye colour, race, gender, belief system, religion, childhood, job, music taste, passions - everything. Every single person is so unique to this planet and every single person has experienced a life that is their own, individual to themselves and have thoughts and experiences that no one can take away from them.
What I don't understand is why people war and fight and kill over differences. I don't understand why we can't just let people live and let live. Why must we condemn someone because of their sexuality? Or race? Or religion? What effect does their belief have on our life? I think religion can be a really great way of expressing beliefs, but I just think wars that have been over religion are so pointless and stupid.
Sure, if someone is forcing themselves and their belief down your throat, it is okay to not like that. But there are extremists in every religion and race. That does not mean we should generalise. Generalisations, even as a joke, in fact especially as a joke, are still awful. We really need to consider the effect our actions have on other peoples lives, and that maybe our one comment, that was just a joke, is really not. And it really has hurt or affected someone.
I may be a massive idealist but I just think we should love people for who they are - both on a personal and global level. No need for pretences, no need to worry about what we look like to other people, in any manner, - because, when it comes down to it, how different are we really?
We're all someones daughter, we're all someones son...
~ John Farnham
Isn't it true though? Who cares what colour your skin is! Who cares about who you love! We are all the same. So let us just love.
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
~ Mother Teresa
I love that quote. It is so true. Helping each other, we are helping ourselves, and our future, as a human race and our children and grandchildren. So why not?
On another more personal note, what do you do when things don't go your way? I found out some not-so-good news yesterday and I just don't know what to do. Obviously in life we can't always get what we want. It doesn't mean that it doesn't suck though. I suppose I just have to keep moving and look beyond it.
As for uni in my life, I am completely hating it at the moment. Everything seems so trivial, especially after the roadtrip. I am so un-motivated, and I just don't care about it. I have found my passion, and what I want to do in my life, why should I do anything else? Truthfully I actually do understand why I have to go to uni and study. But I just don't really want to. Why should I be listening about finance when all I really want to do is save the world?!
So on a dollar25 note, I am posting this the day after day 5 because I had a jam packed day yesterday. I found yesterday that eating dinner for lunch and lunch for dinner helps because then I am fuller for longer during the day. However, I went out with friends last night and absolutely STARVED. As soon as it was midnight though, I totally pigged out. Not the greatest idea, but so worth it!
I felt so bad doing that though. When can a starving child pig out? And I mean, I have been doing this for only 5 days - suck it up Priyani. 1.4 billion people do it every single day. I know I keep saying that but I just keep reminding myself that. We are really just so incredibly lucky, and I know I shouldn't feel guilty about that, but we should just remind ourselves of that once in awhile so we can forget the trivial stuff. Let's stop complaining for a little while. I know I really want to try.
So I am taking the weekend off. Back to dollar25 (or really, dollar83) on Monday. Not looking forward to it, but at the same time, I am. I have really enjoyed thinking a lot more about poverty and the different dimensions of it. And I am now sure, more than ever, that it just has got to be ended. We don't even have a choice. It needs to be eradicated, and it needs to be done now. Let's do it.
I will say good bye to you for the weekend and leave you with a quote that I have seen at the Oaktree office that inspires me every single day....
They say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
~ Andy Warhol
You are so inspirational Priyani I mean it. You are so influential and an amazing person in every single way. I'm sure EVERYONE who knows you can second my opinion,
ReplyDeletelove you heaps